Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reach out and touch my heart

hey ..... i miss you big time .

thats what i wanted to get out of my chest

everything just comes back like chocolate syrup in my mind

sweet sweet memories that I want to hold on to and never let go

can you release me from this agony ?

Termendously MULU

Saturday, July 16, 2011

last night

last night i felt the lump in my heart and understood that to tolerate is as hard as to accept.

to tolerate that things are different now is as hard as
to accept the things which are different now

to tolerate that I can never feel the things that I wish from you is as hard as
to accept that feeling was never a thing for you anyway

to tolerate that I was just a moment in your life is as hard as
to accept that moment is not mine to have

to tolerate the pain is as hard
to accept the pain

to tolerate my desire to feel my worthiness is as hard as
to accept the psychotic control that desire had on me

to move forward I accepted what needs to be done and
tolerated the convulsion of my breaking heart

and tolerate it , I will............

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An obligation

to explain why you are not in this equation

to give assurance that I must and will be there for you

to obey when I dont think you will either

to go the distance

to give sincerely and selflessly when I know I have expectations

to do the right thing when 'right' is only a perception

to give in with the hope that it would be remembered and appreciated

do I really need to?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A journey

Have you ever when on a journey where its really bumpy and you are totally unprepared for the detours, cross roads, t - junctions and tons of u turns, absolutely void of any proper directions and constantly under repair and maintenance.

A journey where there are patches of potholes , definitely a lot of surface cracks, you gotta deal with the edge deterioration and constant reminder that there are sharp bends and to slow down because of repair works up ahead.

There won't be a manual , proper instructions or tips to help you maneuver yourself on this journey..

well that's how its like if you are taking a journey to the centre of my heart ...

Friday, March 25, 2011

can someone tell me

Can someone tell me how to surf to the next blog and not get a page about a blogger blogging about politics in Malaysia?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who is that girl?

I read all my old postings for the passed 3 years and I forgotten about that person writing all that posting. Who is that? Life is so much simpler, with no responsibilities, no worries and basically just a breeze.

Then came the posting for the past 12 months ...oih... so depressing.Can't even write a proper paragraph..just points and notes and so depressing. Its a miracle that anyone would want to be near me at all last year. its like someone walking with dark clouds on top on their head. Nothing beautiful and hopeful. Like the sun never came up. Like life is just a motion that you go through daily, with no feelings , no excitement, no time to step back and exhale.

The me then and the me now are two different person... the simplicity in the way I celebrated life is gone. Is this a disease that you get when you go up one notch in your career? The stress, the expectation, the commitment. You get sucked into this oblivion and if you are not careful you just get lost in it. The higher you climb the less human you become? There is no more 'you ' just what's expected of you. You need to make decisions which is so against what you really feel and yet you do it because its what you just need or have to do.

I want my old self back... I miss her. I shall find her. Where ever she is hiding..its time to wake up and smell the roses and let go of the shit dumbbells I hang around my neck.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I miss my body

I miss my body

I need to treat you better

I need you to be there for me through all this

I promise to give you more attention

I promise to love you more

I am tired of feeling tired

I am sick of falling sick

I just want to love you more

I just want to love you more