Monday, May 26, 2008

thou shall not...

I was in a job interview today...for my own promotion.

Nothing is ever given to you work hard for it, prove that you can do it then beg for it.

1. I had to prepare for it at the very last minute! i think god must have loved me and gave me a friend who offered help.... ok lah satu bala dah lepas

2. after reading about the expected competencies that a leader is evaluated upon...I just felt like running away and don't bother to apply for the position.... susah babe... you have to be a "super leader"

3. I had 2 most important people in my department and organisation to interview me ( people who can make or break my career)... one of them was so bored he yawned..arrrrrgh !!!!!

4. of course the other one lives and breath on the leadership competencies like its the 10 commandments ....

thou shall not be deemed fit to be a leader until thou fulfill all 9 commandments

I must have sinned during my other life to deserve this eternal career hell.

but on a positive note... that interview showed me what I want to be , where I want to go and how I will go about it. Whether its here or in another organisation , I will get there.

I just know it.

Funny how things turned out to be kan?.... my eternal career hell.

Friday, May 23, 2008

my new love

my new love is called Iman Rifdi bin Rezal Iskandar...tall and handsome. lips like a rose bud and eyes that melts my heart a million times...

I love you Iman.

Friday, May 9, 2008

satu hari kat dalam lift....

yesterday was just one of those days that i am up to my nose with work and by the time I leave it was very late lah...nak dijadi kan cerita adalah hamba allah ni kat dalam lift...nak break the silence while in the lift konon.

Si jejaka yang konon nya nak berbaul ngan i : " akak dah ngandung berapa bulan?"

Me : in my heart - tell me how to respond to this kind of people? kalau marah kang nangis pulak budak ni. kalau tak jawab nanti dia mesti ingat I tak hormat kat dia sebagai rakan sekerja.

Pikir punya pikir i pun jawab

Me: "Entah lah dik kejap lagi nak pergi buat anak la ni...." dan I terus dengan selamba keluar dari lift.

Kuang Kuang Kuang... posa la gamak nye sebulan ni.

Gangster Boss

Gangster Boss in gangstar movie : Do you know why is a gun better than a women?

Stupid Gangster Boss's posse in gangstar movie : why ah boss?

Gangster Boss in gangstar movie : Because on a gun you can put on a silencer.....

Kuang Kuang Kuang itulah joke bodoh yang someone told me while I was driving home yesterday..terus hilang ngantuk.... i love it.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

1 May 2008

thank god its a public holiday........rehat.....layan my best.

satu hari stop thinking about work.