Saturday, November 24, 2007

Terry Fox Run

Participated in the Terry Fox Run on the 4 November with the rest of the team..all 150 of us. Made so much noise we won the most loudest cheers for corporate sponsors. can do la....

I'm not much of a runner...but something inside me just wanted to do it for Sekido San.

Sekido we miss you.

Anyway Sekido San left us somewhere in June 2007 due to cancer. I met his lovely wife , May at the Terry fox Run and his 3 kids...i swear I saw sadness in my GM's eyes when he met those kids. I too cannot help but to have a slight lump in my throat when I saw them. I am but very lucky to have both my parents still.

I have to say they are really wonderful kids. You would be very proud of them. We love you Sekido.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

oh my god my last entry was on 8th oct. Has it been that long? how often do we take a minute during the day and realize that we are just soooooooo sibuk and 24 jam sometimes tak cukup to get everything done...before tomorrow

macam mana my mom can do everything and still have a life? i tak boleh pun buat macam tu!

my standard daily routine
0600 wake up... meaning snooze for 30 minutes
0700 drive to work
0830 breakfast while working - must read yesterday's daily performance and today's arrival before i get questioned in the morning briefing
0900 work
1300 eat while working because I have to entertain my clients
1400 continue work
1700 start all my paper work
1900 still not finish yet because sometimes got meeting or training for 1 hour
2000 aiyoh my body tired oredi but still got work to do
2100 what was that i was reading??? read again
2200 prepare for tomorrow to do list- in case get more work from boss , need to prioritise because no matter how much work you have, boss's work is more important than yours.
2300 shit look at the time - gym pun dah tutup...balik je lah
0000 malas nye nak pergi kerja esok... konon nye pasang alarm pukul 5.30 ..tapi snooze 45 minute...
0005 eh i dah makan malam ke tadi? laaaa lupa nak makaaaan.

time to clear annual leave..hmmm