Friday, March 30, 2007

suhaimi magi

guess where?

my friend's name is mentioned on this wall of fame...who is he? a dancer...and a lecturer by profession at Akedemi Seni Kebangsaan. really cool guy.

i met him when i was working at one of the hotels in Jalan Ampang...that was 10 years ago. very friendly and very informative too. i never paid much attention to this branch of art - dancing. didn't think it was a great profession to be in.... but Suhaimi said that he encouraged his son to dance too. i mean not just dance like what i do on Saturday nights while painting the town red.. but really study this stuff.

now how many dads do you know who would encourage his son to be a dancer? to him dancing is like a non verbal way of expressing oneself and communicating your feelings. Wow....can you imagine me doing a mating dance whenever i flirt? ha ha ha no puns intended.

wonder what he is up to you sir..i wish you all the best and a good life.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Viagra for the mind?

i wonder if there is such a thing as a pill that can instantly motivate me to go to work... if they can invent Viagra ...surely something as simple as motivation pill, can make some one a millionaire or some pharma giant trillions in profit.

if Viagra was invented for the purpose of the betterment of mankind tsk tsk..yeah right!, then...can you imagine what can mankind achieve if there is a pill that can motivate you to get up everyday to go to work!! then maybe..just maybe..we dont need to have bumiputra status anymore...melayu semua jadi rajin serta merta! cemerlang dan terbilang...sigh

just pop this pill everytime you see a malas melayu and presto!MCs will be obselete and all clinics cannot make extra money....sigh

malas nye..... Thank God for annual leave.

Monday, March 26, 2007


o530 hrs...yup that's the time i got up today to go to the gym. left the house after my prayers and started running by 0630hrs...yikes!

some one told me that the only negative thing from this new lifestyle is i sacrifice a bit of my sleeping time...that's 1 hour of sleeping time ok!

in return i get to:
1. burn my fat arse
2. no worries about traffic as i am only 5 minutes from my office
3. no undue stress because i am not late for work
4. i shall have a damn good toned no jiggly pert cute arse by august
5. and of course its cheaper to be healthy than to find a cure when i fall sick

so ..Bryan ...( my trainer at the gym)...sorry boy you stuck with my not morning person face so early i the morning.

oh ya... gave my mom a shock this morning cause i got up so early to do my subuh. love you too ibu :)

Friday, March 16, 2007

i take my hats off to you

this is for my lovely sis...

have you ever cared so much about someone that sometimes you feel absolutely helpless when you cant help them, well i felt like that when it comes to my sis.

she has great fighting spirit despite all the obstacles that she has to go through in her life. I am at times left in awe thinking how she finds the strength from that little, stick body of hers.

many a times i have underestimated her and pushed her away as i am not able to figure her out but she seems to figure things out in the most unlikeliest situation.

you go girl..i hope you will find what you wanted so much in life..i will be there if you need me.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

pursuit of my happyness

saw the movie - The Pursuit of Happyness, starring will smith and son jaden.

i quote from the Declaration of Independence... i read it and part of it says..

" we hold these truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit for Happiness".

what he meant by these truth to be self evident...i would need to go to history class, but i understand the rest of the phrase. i tried reading the rest of the declaration but got lost in the language, its like reading a statute. its what i call jamaizing! how can Thomas Jefferson write like that. how can anyone create such phrases and continue to make any sense at all. and yet it does make sense!

anyway, it made me think what i would be willing to do to pursue my own Happyness, despite the fact that my wants and needs changes as I grow older, except for the basic needs, everything else changes.

but that movie really moved me. go see it. enuff said.

and try reading the declaration of independence...see how you manage

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

make yourself a better person

make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.....

and before you know it..i will be there right beside you.

Monday, March 5, 2007

whats my karma to you

I quote from somewhere that ,

"Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, karma simply deals with what is."

If i were to have a Karma Mirror now , one that can reflect all my past doings and future ones.. I would be one very confused person if not boring.Surely I would want to do all good deeds and stay away from bad karma...and yet destiny and fate wont allow that to happen. I then, wont be the person that I am now, wont experience the stuff i have had experienced nor dare to try something new and have faith in life!

case in point:

work and personal life has been really testing for the pass week. and I try to reason with myself that this is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward...its just IS. its just part of what i choose to do with my life and i have to be responsible for my own choices - good or bad. And yet i cant help but to feel awful knowing that there are others who are effected by my karma! the ones i love and the ones who love me. the ones who were never meant to get hurt nor benefit from my choices.

whats worst is, i am effected by the choices that others do...i should not be the one to bear the burden just because you made bad choices in life...and yet i am burdened or benefiting from it (depending on which end of the karma am i).

its strange how we all fit in this universe..... we have our purpose in life and its up to us how we want to find that out. I think its mention in one of the surah in the Quran.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

moving on

have you ever tried to move a mountain ...just to realize later that that mountain is actually you! that there is so much more to life than just me... kita hanya hama yang kecil...that the world does not revolve around me or there is a pause button that i can press.. so that i can catch up a bit. figure out life and have a safety net went i fall..

i need my cafergot!