Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Biduk Berlalu KiambangBertaut

I was in Singapore for the Wedding Diaries Tradeshow for the passed 5 days..God it was tough. We were given 1 million target but it was just not happening as the traffic was just not there.

Thank god we had contingency plans and majority of our customers signed on the spot.... and Mr Loke who signed 1 hour before the event closed was the grand prize winner - 8 D 7N at the Thistle Kensington Garden , London....talk about luck! Howcome I never win during any lucky draw... apa punya luck la.

Anyway , topic for the week was just about my team, who were there for me during this hard and very stressful time. I was worried sick about how my team will do at the tradeshow and how my team in JB doing the corporate rate structure. So much to do so little time.

Thank you boss and girls, I would not have survived on my own. I think my Kiambang Semakin Bertaut and insyallah I will work very hard to make sure it stays that way. I got this kiasan from a friend in his fb.

Next in the pipeline is my trip to KL and then to Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

Cannot wait until Sunday!

p/s ok still working on my picture in my hp...

Monday, March 23, 2009


last week end was kinda fun as my brother and sister in law came and visited me in JB .Not that I was here all week anyway. I was in KL for sales trip and left KL at 7 pm on Friday so that I can be home just in time to greet them. tunggu punye tunggu, they arrived at 2am on Saturday la kan ...sheesh

anyway... we had a walk at the Danga Street Mall on Sunday and I was not aware that there was a car show.This was not any ordinary car show ..it was the " Modified as Hell" car show.

I saw this really "sakit gigi" pink kancil .... adoi and a Burberry Kancil and car audio systems that could pay me through college and probably my wedding heh hehe

One Proton Wira had the whole 42 inch plasma tv in the back seat!!! for what? i guess making sense is not the operative word here...

and a really confused kelisa cum Citroen wannnabeee ... looks ganazz but all its does is move its arse up and down. there is only so much hydraulics can do for you mate!

pictures coming ...once i figure out how to down load from my phone

ok la i am still a pea brain when it comes to mms and downloading pictures. pathetic ha ha ha

Saturday, March 21, 2009

in a blink of an eye

my last blog posting was in September 2008 and lots has happened since then.....

chronologically ...... within the next 5 months things just started moving:

September , October , November and December 2008
1. got really demotivated at work
- decided to take matters in my own hands
- re look into my career plan
- re look into my personal goals
- left my love life in the hands of god.... i see him more often now. Alhamdullilah.
Ramadhan 2008 was a great turning point for me. I really wanted to change and do stuff
that will make a difference in my life.

December 2008
2. got 3 job offers and decided to give it a go
- flew to Kuching for an interview
- drove to JB for an interview
- got through traffic jam on Friday to be interviewed by the brand new Royal Chulan
- had to make a decision.... fast

January 2009
3. tendered my resignation on the 19th of January 2009 after talking to my mentors, friends and love ones. tougher than I thought.

4. signed my life away again to another hotel. i got to stop this demented love hate relationship with hotels.... its not helping my personal life at all!

February 2009
5. relocate to Johor Bahru and got cold feet
- could not sleep for a week
- survey JB for a suitable home
- had to harass someone to calm me down - thank you, i love you so much for helping me

6. found a really fantastic bachelor pad in Danga Bay
- shopping everyday to complete my new luxury apartment overlooking the bay
- very therapeutic

7. start working at the new Thistle Johor Bahru

March 2009
8. overload my brain with new stuff
- i told someone that " jadi boss ni tak best la" , "tau tak pe" that was the reply. .... sheesh

I am starting a new chapter in my life .... how to be a boss or pretend to be a boss..ha ha ha

hentam saje.