Wednesday, March 19, 2008

whah ?

oh god why do i feel like swearing today!

my colleague sitting behind me, without even lifting her eyes, said

" uh i dah lama dah rasa nak mencarut tiap tiap pagi"

whats going on here?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


i went to visit my client today ( kerja not leisure ok) in one of the government agencies and of course the hot topic for the day is the new cabinet listing...who is in and who is out.

i must say that its so intriguing to listen to everyone giving their "what i think pak lah should do" or " what went wrong during his watch" stories.

I personally think that some "Malaysians" need to go for Oz Training.

Oz Training ? Menatang apa tu? well good that you should ask.

I attended this typical brain washing session in this company of mine ( who pays my bills by draining every blood from my body), a training course which ( god forbid!) makes you perform, do, react, think Above The Line, aka Super Attitude la . The mechanism they use, or term you may say, is .....Seeing it, Owning it, Solving it and Doing it.

The opposite of that is being Below The Line , in terms of attitude, when you play the blame game or tungguuuuuuu dan lihat.

So going back to what I was saying just now, not once have I heard any of these government officers said...this is what I will do when I see something is not right, I will own it, find a solution and I will take the necessary steps to make it right.

my two cents of opinion says that, even if pak lah is born with super computer brain , he will not achieve or malaysians will never achieve that developed nation status and compete globally, until every single malaysian take ownership of their country's destiny.

macam kata melodi ...tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

lepas tu dah terlepas ke keretapi!

what keretapi ?... nowadays people travel macam jumper la.

please be advised that the statement above is semata mata my personal opinion and not to be reprint and sent to the rest of the world, i mean just in case someone thinks that I am being overly biadap for writing in my personal capacity as a human being with nothing better to do than to kutuk my own countrymen. Its ok no apologies required. Amin :P

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Am I wrong to be angry and confuse?

At a wedding today, attended by my brother, he had the first taste of gelombang perubahan in Shah Alam.

As the story goes, like any malay wedding loud music and karaoke is a must. We malays just have to share with everyone the fact that we can't sing for nuts. I am a malay and I understand that this is what happen at weddings...its a celebration ...everyone wants to celebrate the lucky couple and wish them the best. The louder the music the better. Biasalah kan majlis kahwin.

Unfortunately, this may not be the scenario in future malay weddings anymore. Someone from the opposition party came and told off the host that loud music is not allowed. I don't know if it was deemed 'haram' or against Islamic teaching but I was told they have to stop playing the music.

Everyone who were at the wedding was shocked and left ...including my brother. I suppose due to respect to the 'Raja Sehari' nobody wanted to say anything and just decide to leave.

I silently pray that I heard this wrongly when my brother told me about this.... I am still praying hard..... I may not be the best melayu ...may not even be melayu yang mempunyai daya saing setanding kaum cina...not yet at least.....but I do not want to hate another melayu for the reasons above. But I cannot refrain myself....Am I wrong to be angry and confuse?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

when your ipod can tell you that its time to stop smoking

I was looking for stuff for my i pod the other day and I found this red and white apple button..hhrrmmm ..??

Introducing the nikeplus ipod nano sport kit...this stuff is so cool. Its been in the market for some time but me being a dinosaur... the rest is history la kan.
Not that I am such a health buff anyway, cant even maintain a normal balanced life let alone have a super canggih nike running shoes, but like any person who is a victim to really good marketing, i salivate over this stuff.
Ntah bila nak berlari agaknya. Ada hati lagi nak nikeplus. Matahari pun jarang nampak. I have what you call a "screen tan".. i get my tan by staring at the lights from my laptop screen je.

Check them out ...

Happy Birthday to me , Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday tooooooo meeeeee. Hah yang tengah baca tu jangam lah buat buat tak faham pulak :P

Thursday, March 6, 2008

In case I resign without a job in hand......

I was just playing with the idea of having a career change and found something interesting in the International Herald Tribune.

I mean talk about exploiting your god given gift as a women!...

But of course I will only offer my services to George Clooney. Duh...

read the whole article :

Foreign couples turn to India for surrogate mothers
By Amelia Gentleman
Published: March 4, 2008, International Herald Tribune

MUMBAI: Yonatan Gher and his male partner plan eventually to tell their child that it was made in India, in the womb of a woman they never met, with the egg of a Mumbai housewife they picked out from an Internet line-up of candidates.

The embryo was formed in January in an Indian fertility clinic about 4,000 kilometers, or 2,500 miles, from Gher's home in Tel Aviv, nurtured by a team of doctors who have begun specializing in surrogacy services for couples from around the world.

As they waited to see if the fertilization process had been successful, Gher, 29, and his partner sped around the streets of Mumbai in the back of an autorickshaw, drinking in scenes of a country they had never previously visited, staring at the unfamiliar faces of Indian women and children and "trying to imagine our child," he said.
"The child will know early on that he or she is unique, that it came into the world in a very special way," said Gher, a communications officer for the environmental group Greenpeace. "But as it grows up and asks questions about the birds and the bees, then we will need to go into more detail."

"People are increasingly exposed to the idea of surrogacy in India; Oprah Winfrey talked about it on her show," said Dr. Kausal Kadam in her office at the Rotunda clinic, an hour after creating an embryo for Gher and his partner, with sperm from one of the men (they would not disclose which one) and an egg removed from a donor just minutes before in another part of the clinic.

"Child" said I. " You are definitely unique and very special"
" You are part Melayu, part Mat Saleh, India maybe ada, Jawa confirm ada and your dad was George Clooney, the most Sexiest Man Alive voted twice by People Magazine, of course he was my favourite actor too, an environmentalist, and an advocate of peace. Oh the list goes on and on. "
"Now you better listen to me and finish your tempe goreng or I beat you up where the sun don't shine!"..aaah the bliss of being a surrogate mom.