Wednesday, February 28, 2007

my prayers

to the boys who will be travelling this week and next week. i know the road is full of obstacles, i know that tomorrow's dream are built on today's sacrifices. good luck and hang in there!

when life was simpler and i am as who i am

remember those days when life was simpler? when the most horrible thing that could happen to you is when you dont get changed or fed on time? and your family is your world and nothing comes in between you and them!
i count my blessings every day for my happy childhood....irreplaceable...just like you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tak Seindah Wajah

This is a song sung by the legendary Tan Sri S.M Salim. I would call this song as a song that is complete in every sense - "yang cukup sifat nya". Its beautiful, mesmerising, full of depth : "susunan ayat yang sungguh indah lagi berkias, di hidupkan dengan nyanyian yang hanya Tan Sri sahaja yang tahu lenggok irama dan lemah gemalai nya".

and if there is any way to describe how I feel tonight...its like "Tak Seindah Wajah"...every word reflects my insensitivity either consciously or subconsciously, in this life or before and I feel that I am but just one lonely person in this world with all the wish that life is perfect and I am thankful that there is a soul out there who cares for me and reminds me of where i belong and where i come from. and life is only worth living when you share it with the one you love.

I am but indebted to you.

Tak Seindah Wajah - Tan Sri S.M Salim
Kusangka aur di pinggir tebing
Kiranya tebu di pinggir bibir
Kusangka jujur pancaran batin
Rupanya palsu penghias zahir

Kukira hati jiwa nurani
Suci seindah wajah terbayang
Kukira puji seikhlas budi
Kulupa lidah tidak bertulang

Di manis gula semut binasa
Kail berduri bersalut umpan
Di manis kata insan terlena
Kerana budi hamba terkorban

Inikah dia lakunan hidup
Di pentas dunia insan berpura
Tipu dan daya pencapai maksud
Budi dan harta merangkum noda

Saturday, February 17, 2007

pics from my cybershot vol1

look closely and u will see Charlie's Angels hiding in Maldives - I miss you guys la.....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day

I presumed all of us would have heard of St Valentines and the legends that has been passed from one generation to the next generation via emails , hallmark cards , school projects, songs and movies.

and on how being a should not be celebrating Valentines Day because its named after a Christian martyrs bla bla bla... hmmm how does one look at this in a very objective manner?

do you need that one special day to express your love to some one...or any other day would have been ok as well?

why do we have breast cancer day? or mothers day?

indeed one cannot help it but to feel extremely touched when one receives a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates on V Day but the fact remains , its getting very commercialised and whats worst you cannot stop commercialism from happening and encroaching into our live ..just like having fathers day and neneks and atuks day.

I know that my mom was so touched when I took her out for mothers day or do something special for her ( on that day itself not a day before or after ) and yet I grumble that it has become so commercialised that i get turned off from doing it

so ... why should i be upset for spending extra money for that one person that I love so dearly just because it will cost me 100% more than any given day? how do i measure her love for me? if i can afford it whats the difference if i get her a gift on mothers day or on a normal day?

i know what my dad will say.." its the principle behind it..if i love some one i dont need to wait for that one day to get her flowers!" why dont I see my dad get my mom flowers on the other 364 days?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

badonkkadonk - the rounded portion of the anatomy located on the posterior region

Had the most interesting conversation with 'The Boys' aka guys i have been hanging out with lately; let it be known that one of them was the first runner up of the most attractive butt competition held at the Hard Rock Cafe some years back. ( sorry no accompanying pic allowed for security purposes tsk tsk)

hence naturally this subject came up..about why are women fascinated about that rounded portion of the anatomy located on the posterior of the pelvic region of a man ...and even more rounder ones on women.

why ? the buttocks as the English will politely call it or The Butt like how the Americans likes it, is just a mass of glutel muscle ( glutes maximus and glutes medius..yup like roman gladiators they sound like) and covered by a layer of FAT!

why oh why do you ask? apart from allowing us primates to sit upright without needing to rest our weight on all fours, the buttocks similar to breasts, many women consider, at least the well formed ones , to be sexually attractive and most delectable for those with strange appetite figuratively speaking. Don't need no noble prize brains to figure that one ya.

BUT the definition of well formed and attractive buttocks is not Donatello's sculpture of David may or may not be attractive to some ( of course i shall reserve my comments on those who are non appreciative of David's perfect anatomy.... sour grapes..oops) as compared to the larger than life posterior of J-Lo , Beyonce and the likes.

anyway, my point is this : men's buttocks is just a minute part of the attraction as the sexual aesthetic of the buttocks varies from one person to chill ya..just let me enjoy my silent viewing and life goes on ;) ..unless I am feeling really really shallow , I will be very happy and contented to just talking to a pair of nice pert buttocks for the rest of my life. No brains needed to achieve that.

pictures of a thousand words 2

"this puts a new meaning to... 'kalau makan cili dialah yang terasa pedasnye', yup its pedas alright in more ways than one can imagine!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

i love you sis..specialy when you cook

"this my sister's very clean kitchen..uhuh that is how often she cooks"

"and the ingredients are..chili, cooking oil, salt, just add everything and stir"

"taaa magic my sis made dinner that night..this is the result of her labour of love "

"oh god you guys should have been there..the smell of sambal and belacan...kari.... peh kembang lubang hidung, kecur air liur, basah anak tekak "

"i ate so much that night ...had to stand thru out Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian on TV so that I can breath properly...what can I say nothing beats home cook food! "

Saturday, February 3, 2007

woke up this morning with this plastered on my face....hmmm wonder why

Song: Home by Michael Buble